Firefox, too download chrome to phone for android 2.2 and google chrome

Firefox, too] download chrome to phone for
android 2.2 and google chrome

[Update]: Someone’s made a Firefox version of the plugin you’ll need on the browser side of things. You’ll need to grab that from here . You’ll use the same APK as before,

If you were one of the lucky users to receive
Android 2.2 to your Nexus One over the air (or
if you were lucky enough to get the leaked
version working perfectly fine on your device),
then you’ll want to download Chrome to Phone.

This pair of plugins (one is for the Google
Chrome browser, and the other is an app for
Android) enables you to do what Google
demonstrated during last week’s Froyo keynote:

pushing web pages directly from your browser
to your Android phone instantly. As their Google

Code project describes (and as it was described
at Google I/O), it uses the newest AppEngine
server along with Android 2.2’s new Cloud to
Device Messaging service to make this possible.

(make sure Settings->Applications-
>Unknown Sources is checked). Note
that this application requires Android
2.2 (“Froyo”) or later.

2. Start the Google Chrome to Phone
Extension application on the phone.

3. Choose the account to register with
(this must match the account you
sign in to with Google Chrome to
Phone Extension on the desktop).

4. Click on “Register Device” to register
your phone with the Google Chrome
to Phone Extension service.

Try it out for yourself and let us know how you
like the feature.

Firefox, too download chrome to phone for android 2.2 and google chrome

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